Friday, January 18, 2013

Penguin Video and Activities for Kids

Happy Friday!!  I hope you all had a wonderful, productive week with your students.  Please allow yourself some quite time this weekend to regroup and refresh - otherwise, you may look like the polar bear on Monday morning. ;)

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Penguins Teacher Humor Winter Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

Happy Penguins Video


Here are some more educational videos for facts about penguins.

All About Penguins Video for Kids


All About Penguins Song


Click HERE for some free printable penguin activities.

 free penguins activities for teachers kids

More free penguin printables may be found HERE.


Click on each penguin activity to enlarge and print.


 Adorable Easy Paper Penguin Corner Bookmarks
(Penguin Crafts)


No Sew Sock Penguin Decoration or Ornament


You may also like these printable penguin activities from our teacher store:

 free printable penguins math games

You may purchase 30 additional arctic animals task cards HERE.

 free arctic animals task cards activities games

 penguin life cycle activity for kids

 penguins and polar bears activities for kids

Click HERE for more printable penguins and polar bears activities for kids.


You may also like these penguin items from our Amazon Associate store:

 penguins figures for the classroom centers

 plush penguins

 classroom set of penguin figures figurines

Math Manipulatiaves

 classroom set of penguin erasers for kids math manipulatives

 penguin hand puppet plush stuffed animal


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