Our TOP Fun and Engaging First Week of School Activities
Beat the ‘Back to School Overwhelm’- our top first week of school activities for learning names, routines, and breaking the ice!
The first week of school! Full of bustle, business, excitement, and even some nerves. As a teacher, we look forward to those smiling faces, new back to school routines, and the sight of our new pens and pencils, still placed perfectly in our organization cart. Let’s BEAT that ‘back to school overwhelm’ with our top 5 first week of school activities that are low to no-prep, engaging and fun so that you can focus on the BEST part of back to school...your students!
First week of school activities- Starting with Introductions & Classroom Rules
It’s the first day of school and your kiddos have arrived! Start setting them up for success by creating a routine in the very first part of the day. Having simple, consistent routines creates a sense of safety and security for your new students and can help all of your kiddos, regardless of their strengths and needs, to participate with their peers.
The Name Game:
One simple routine that you can incorporate into your daily attendance is called the ‘Name Game’! The Name Game is a simple rhyme and rhythm that asks each student to stand when the teacher calls out their name.
The Name Game:
Hello children, here we are,
At school from near and far
Today we are going to play a game
Please stand when I call your name
A Greeting Song for the first week of school:
Alternatively, you can incorporate a song into your morning routine. We have two fun options for you that are set to the tunes of familiar songs. For a quick introduction and check-in, try the ‘how do you do’? song, set to the tune of ‘if you’re happy and you know it’. If you have students who love music, one of these options might be a good one to try!
How Do You Do?
Good morning, (student’s name)
How are you?
Good morning, (student’s name)
How are you?
How are you on this special day?
We’re glad you came to play.
Good morning, (student’s name)
How are you?
A Classroom Expectations Song for the first week of school:
Alternatively, try a song for teaching classroom rules. This song is called ‘This is what we do at
school’, set to the tune of ‘Mulberry Bush’.
This is What We Do At School
This is the way we go to school, go to school, go to school
This is the way we go to school so early in the morning.
This is the way we walk in the hall…
This is the way we hang up our coats…
This is the way we sit at our desks…
This is the way we ask for help…
This is the way we walk to lunch…
Helping all students participate: how to add extra supports:
One of the amazing benefits of adding a song or simple rhyme to your morning routine is that it gives all of your kiddos the ability to participate with you. For kiddos with specialized needs, consider collaborating with your special education teachers and support staff to create adaptations to the game as necessary (think communication boards, name visuals, adding the child’s ‘part’ of the game into their talker etc.).
Adapting your Morning Games beyond the first week of school:
Regardless of the game that you choose, you can boost engagement and fun by creating twists, the possibilities are endless! One way to add to the name game is to have kiddos share a fun fact or something that they love. One of the ways we love to have kiddos participate is by completing a get to know me craft. After they complete the craft, they get to read one of their answers to the class! If you are looking for an easy low-prep back to school craft for your kiddos with tons of ideas for ‘get to know you’ questions, check out my "All About Me" foldable craft in my store.
Two quick and easy games for back to school to practice active listening skills and add movement!
One of the most important skills to practice and reinforce during back to school time is active listening skills! The listening game is the perfect way for students to practice listening for a specific cue and getting in a movement break in a structured way!
The Listening Game:
How it works: the teacher explains that the students will be listening for a specific word or sound (click, hand clap, bell, ‘go’ etc.) or looking for a signal (a visual stop/go sign, lights on/off etc.). Once they hear or see the signal, they have to perform the action that the teacher says!
Can we walk in place slowly/fast?
Can we run in place slowly/fast?
Can we hop in place slowly/fast?
Can we slide to the left/right?
Can we gallop forward slowly/fast?
Can we skip forward slowly/fast?
Can we skip backwards slowly/fast?
Can we jump forward just a little bit at a time?
Can we jump backwards just a little bit at a time?
Can we stand on our right/left foot and balance ourselves for 10 seconds?
Can we hop on our right/left foot in a circle?
Can we jump from left to right?
Can we reach for the sky with our arms?
Can we stand in place and jump as high as we can?
Can we slide to the left/right and jump?
Can we stand on our left/right foot and hop forward?
Can we stand on our left/right foot and hop backward?

The Memory Name Game
Start by having students stand in a circle or by breaking students up into groups or rows (for younger students, use smaller groups and rows and consider picking one student to give ‘clues’ if anyone is stuck)
One student starts the game by
Saying their name
Picking an activity that they enjoy
Performing an action that represents that activity (e.g., I like running…runs in place)
The next student in the group or row stands up and repeats step 1 for him/herself. Then, the student has to repeat what the first student has said and their movement
Repeat these steps until everyone has had a turn or until the students can go no further.
As you are preparing for back to school, these games and first week activities can be a fun and easy way to help students get to know one another and develop an understanding of classroom rules! Happy first week of school!
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