Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Free Christmas Math Activities - Videos and Printable

Christmas Math Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

Note: This blog post contains resources from our 
TpT store and our Amazon Associate store.


This is a fun Christmas math song sung to the tune of "Jingle Bells." What makes it even more fun is that it is just instrumental. Your students can sing along karaoke style!


The Santa Counting Song - Students seem to like this one.


free Christmas math counting money games

free Christmas money math activities and games

2nd grade Christmas math arrays and repeated addition


Right click on each picture to to enlarge, then print and play.




Click HERE for free printable games from Activity Village.
free printable Christmas games and activities
Printable activities include a Christmas alphabet challenge, anagrams, BINGO, dominoes, memory games and matching games.


Christmas math addition facts games task cards activities

Christmas Math: Here are 30 task cards with lots of fun Christmas graphics. Students will view the Christmas math pictures, create an equation, and solve. A student response form and answer key are also provided.

There are so many uses for these Christmas math task cards, including math centers, group work, with board games, SCOOT, SCATTER, or a scavenger hunt! Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets.



Christmas math games

Christmas Math: Christmas Math Subtraction - Here are 30 task cards with lots of fun Christmas graphics. Students will view the Christmas pictures, create an equation, and solve. A student response form and answer key are also provided.

There are so many uses for these task cards, including math centers, group work, with board games, SCOOT, SCATTER, or a scavenger hunt! Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets.



You may also like these activities from our Amazon Associate store:

elf on the shelf board game for classroom kids

Spot It! Christmas Game


letters to Santa Christmas game for older kids students

Ages 10 and Up


Christmas BINGO game for kids
Christmas BINGO Game for Kids


Click HERE to view our Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting Success store.

Shelly Anton is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. ** This means there are Amazon affiliate links in these blog posts. This does not mean you pay a dime more when you purchase a product through the link. It just means I am trying to save you valuable teacher time by making it easier for you to find great resources for your students, and I earn a few cents for my research and time. Thank you for all you do for kids!

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