Black History Month, also known as African-American History Month in America, is an annual observance in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom for remembrance of important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. It is celebrated annually in the United States and Canada in February and the United Kingdom in October.
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Click the picture below to watch the video:
Here is a commemorative video via Nickelodeon and the "Because of Them, We Can" initiative for Black History Month. It honors Maya Angelou.
These videos should spark some Black History Month activity ideas for your classroom:
Acting out Rosa Parks:
Black History Month Live Wax Museum:
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Please go HERE for a free printable version of these facts
from our Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success store.
Free Martin Luther King, Jr. Facts Task Cards
Literacy Center Scavenger Hunt Game
You may also like these printable Black History Month and Martin Luther King Day activities from our TeachersPayTeachers store:
You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store:
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