Thursday, February 19, 2015

Free Area and Perimeter Activities for 3rd and 4th Grade Kids

Area and Perimeter Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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Note: This blog post contains resources from our TpT store and our Amazon Associate store.


Here is a fun YouTube video to show your kids perimeter and area in a fun,
yet informative, method. 



You may also like this video about area and perimeter in the real world:


Here is a fun activity using crackers to teach area and perimeter:

 area and perimeter activities with crackers

Here is the full video:


If you would like to see a lesson modeled, you may watch this Whole Brain Teaching lesson on perimeter:


You may also like these printable resources from our TpT store:


 area task cards games activities for kids math


 perimeter task cards games activities 3rd 4th grade math common core

Perimeter - Find the Perimeter of the Shapes Task Cards


Click HERE for free ideas on how to use task cards in your classroom.

 how to use task cards in your teacher classroom


You may also like these perimeter activities:

 perimeter task cards worksheets games 3rd 4th grade activities


Click HERE for area and perimeter online games from Interactive Sites:

 area and perimeter online games for kids


Click HERE to download some free printable worksheets from Common Core Sheets.

 free printable area and perimeter worksheets


You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store:

 fence it in area and perimeter game for kids math


 a kids book about area and perimeter math teacher


 area and perimeter reading book for kids


 area and perimeter math classroom posters

NewPath Learning Perimeter, Circumference, Area and Volume Bulletin Board Chart Set


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