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If you are looking for activities to help you teach your students about fractions, then you've come to the right place!
In this blog post, you'll find several free printable activities to make fractions fun for your students while saving you time.
Who says teaching fractions is hard?!
I'm here to help!
If you are looking for activities to help you teach your students about fractions, then you've come to the right place!
In this blog post, you'll find several free printable activities to make fractions fun for your students while saving you time.
Who says teaching fractions is hard?!
I'm here to help!
First up is an exclusive printable fractions on a number line packet.
You can only get it by email.

I recommend using it as a teaching tool by putting it on mute and narrating it for your students as a lesson, pausing when needed for additional discussion.
Click HERE to view it on YouTube in your classroom.
For the FREE printable worksheet to go along with this video, click HERE.
Next up is a fun online game for your students to play during center time.
Click HERE for the free online fractions on a number game from Sheppard Software.
On with some free printable task cards. Click HERE.
Have you used task cards in your classroom?
Students love using them for scavenger hunts.
Here's how:
Here's how:
- Print the task cards on cardstock. Laminate if desired.
- Make copies of the student response form (one for each student).
- Hide the scavenger hunt cards around the classroom.
- Students must search around the classroom to find the cards.
- When a card is found, students write the answer on their student response form. The card stays in the hidden spot.
- Students continue searching around the room until all the cards are answered.
- Students may work alone or with a partner.
Finally, this one isn't free but will save you so much time because you can download and print many activities for the next couple weeks!
So worth it!
Click HERE to download today because your students will love all the activities!
You may also enjoy these fraction resources from our Amazon Associate store.
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We only earn a tiny commission at not cost to you. We love searching for great products to help save you time and to make learning fun!
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