Note: This blog post contains resources from our TpT store and Amazon Associate store.
1. Summer Collage
Cut pictures from magazines. Students may glue or Modge Podge the pictures to poster board or to a trinket found at a rummage sale or Goodwill store.
2. Sink or Float Science Activity

Students will make a jello recipe and determine which fruits sink or float. Click HERE to download this free printable activity.
3. Summer Finger Play

4. Going on Vacation
Arrange a variety of clothing on a table or center area. Students must choose an article of clothing appropriate for various descriptions. Here are some examples:
1. I'm going on vacations to a friend's house who has a pool. What do I need for the pool? (swimsuit)
2. I'm going on vacation to hike in the woods. What do I need for my hike? (tennis shoes, hiking boots)
3. I'm going on vacation to a zoo. What do I need for my visit? (hat, sunscreen)
5. Summer Math Worksheet
Right click to save and print. (smaller size is a clearer image)
6. Summer Word Find
Right click to save and print. (smaller size is a clearer image)
7. Five in a Line Online Game
Click here to play on this fun website.
8. Summertime Craft - Jellyfish
Watch these videos to make adorable jellyfish!
9. Summertime Craft Ideas
Here is a compilation of several summer craft ideas, including a stress ball, a cool hexaflexagon, a boomerang, and more!
10. Saving the best for last... Frozen "In Summer" song!
BONUS: Click here to visit this Pinterest board with even more ideas (not affiliated with this board).
You may also like these resources from our TpT store:

You may also like these affiliate resources from Amazon:
Click HERE to view our Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting Success store.
Shelly Anton is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to ** This means there are Amazon affiliate links in these blog posts. This does not mean you pay a dime more when you purchase a product through the link. It just means I am trying to save you valuable teacher time by making it easier for you to find valuable resources for your students, and I earn a few cents for my research and time. Thank you for all you do for kids!
Hi, these summer activities look FAB! I am trying to work out how to follow you (it's been a while since I used Blogger)