Note: This blog post contains resources from our TpT store and Amazon Associate store.
Here are several end of the school year activities and games to use in your classroom.
First, let's begin with School of Rock LOL
It would be a fun end of the year activity to encourage your student to create their own end of the school year song, rap or play to communicate their achievements and celebrations throughout the year.
Students may work in groups or individually.
Here is a principal from Sydney sharing 10 end of the year activities you should do with your class.
Note: For younger students, the glass could be removed.
Dollar stores also have smaller, plastic "glass" options.
You could also have your students do a fun craft while listening to music.
Students may create a thank you for their favorite staff member. Don't forget the bus drivers, librarians, custodians, administrative assistants, SLPs, counselors, and more!
We created an end of the school year activities packet to save you time! Students may complete the worksheets individually or compile them into a memory book. Enjoy!
Here are some free printables you may like from my store:
You will download free printable student memory book pages for the end of the school year.
They are no prep and super easy to even use on the last day of school.
Before your students begin writing new year resolutions, it is important for them to personally reflect. This free worksheet will help guide their thoughts. This worksheet could also be used as an end of the school year activity.
You may also like this huge packet of activities:
End of the School Year Activities Packet
End of the School Year Activities Packet
Activities include:
Beginning and End of Year Portrait
My Favorite Subject
My Favorite Lunch
My Funniest Moment
My Favorite Recess Activity
My Biggest Achievement
My Favorite Things
My Favorite Field Trip
A Letter to My Teacher
My Summer Bucket List
My Wish for Next School Year
My Advice for Next School Year
My Favorites Memory Game
What I Will Miss Most (for Girls)
What I Will Miss Most (for Boys)
Top 10 Things I Learned This Year
What I Loved Most
You may also like these great products from our Amazon Associate store:
Last Day of School Shirt
Hope Your Summer is Magical
Click HERE to view our Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting Success store.

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