Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Greater Than Less Than Activities for Kids

comparing numbers activities for teaching kids

There are many fun teaching activities for your kindergarten or first grade students to practice comparing numbers.

Classroom teachers may use videos, anchor charts, songs, fun games, scavenger hunts, task cards and more in their elementary math centers to reinforce Common Core greater than, less than and equal to concepts.

  Here are a few ideas to get you started.


1. Students may watch a video about comparing numbers, and then the students use their math journals to summarize the video.

Comparing Numbers - Beware Alligators Video


2. You may use these free task cards for math centers games, such as, a scavenger hunt, SCOOT, and SCATTER. Game ideas are included.

 free comparing numbers task cards math centers printables

You will download six free comparing numbers task cards for 1st grade and special education math students to practice place value greater than, less than and equal to concepts. Ideas for games and activities are included, such as a scavenger hunt or SCOOT. Use them in math centers or stations as a review, test prep, formative assessment or extra morning work practice. A student response form and answer key are included. 

Common Core Standards Lesson Plan:


Here are 30 greater than less than task cards to use as a review, test prep, or games in your math centers and stations. Students will love the chomping alligators. A student response form and answer key are also provided.


Here are 6 free printable math task cards for 4th grade. Students will practice comparing two multi-digit numbers and answer greater than, less than, or equal. A student response form and answer key are also provided. Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets!



3. Students may watch this comparing numbers video. Then have students create a poster as an anchor chart.

Comparing Numbers Video:

Greater Than, Less Than - "Let it Go" parody


comparing numbers activities for kids alligator greater than less than


4. Download this printable math interactive notebook puzzle for students to practice vocabulary words. (paid product)

In this place value packet, your students will create three puzzles to learn math vocabulary. Concepts include greater than, less than, and equal to. Students may create an envelope allowing them to practice the vocabulary concepts over and over. Otherwise, students may simply glue the comparing numbers puzzles to their interactive math notebooks. A sample answer key is also included.


5. For students still struggling with place value concepts, this egg carton game is a fun way to review.

This place value game is a great way to recycle some egg cartons. Your students will love this game! This game works well for place values up to hundred thousand; however, you could tape over some of the slot to modify for lower grade levels.


6. Songs can be very effective in helping kids remember concepts. In small groups, the students may also create their own songs and sing them to their classmates.

7. These printable color by code worksheets make differentiation easy for lower level students. (paid product)

8. Bring out the deck of cards to teach number comparisons.


You may also like these resources from our Amazon Associate store.

 comparing numbers book for kids

Basic math skills for early learners! Pebbles hallmark close photo text match makes beginning math concepts clear. Equations and labels are also shown when appropriate.


 greater than less than comparing numbers bulletin board set

Based on Math Standards Use the detailed illustrations and labels in this set to teach the comparison and ordering of whole numbers, develop and reinforce skills in learning centers, and enhance vocabulary development. The versatility of this hands-on mini bulletin board set is great for use in small group instruction, to create file folder games, or for use with a document camera! Perfect for ESL/ELL. Set has 45 pieces.


 greater than less than puppet

Bring the swamp indoors with Gary Gator! This hand puppet is always ready for fun and adventure.


elementary math teaching activities comparing numbers

Click HERE to view our Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting Success store.

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