Are you looking for more ways to practice and review counting money skills?
This blog post provides you with free activities and resources for your 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and special education math students.
Before you read explore all the freebies below, please click HERE to receive a free US coins anchor chart.

Free Counting Money Printable PDF Worksheets, Task Cards, Games, and Activities
1. Free Counting Money Task Cards
Students love playing games with task cards. You could have a scavenger hunt or play a game of SCOOT. You will also receive 20 activity ideas.
"Perfect warm up or practice problems for my students!" - Tess A.
2. Free Counting Money Cut and Paste Worksheets
Your students will have fun counting money with these free cut and paste math worksheets. Pair them with some manipulatives for hands-on learning.
3. These free life skills task cards are perfect for your students to practice real-life money word problems.
You will download six free money word problems task cards for 4th grade, 5th grade and special education math students to practice solving real world money word problems with addition, subtraction and multiplication.
4. Counting Coins in the Money Game
Don't forget to click HERE for your free anchor chart.
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