Friday, December 21, 2012

Special Education Teachers Referral Humor

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Teaching is a job that wouldn't exist without...



There have been a lot of positive changes happening in education over the past few years.  We know that all students can learn, and it is important for teachers to use common formative assessments to guide their instruction.  When I first started teaching (years ago!), I had a little note that I always kept near my desk.  I don't have the exact phrase, but it went something like this,

 "If a student isn't making progress, the teacher must first look in the mirror."

 I knew that if one of my students wasn't learning, then I personally needed to change something.  Some will argue, "But wait, what about the "lazy" student?" or "What about the student who doesn't care?" The same rule applies.

All behavior is communication.

If the student appears "lazy," then I must evaluate and determine ways in which to motivate him/her.  Same for the student who doesn't care, misbehaves, doesn't come to school, etc.

Teaching is a job.

A job that wouldn't exist without the students.

It is my job to determine the best methods, strategies, materials, etc., that will help each student learn!  I have enjoyed viewing and also using this video in several presentations.  The principles are serious but done in a humorous and sometimes all too familiar way.  I hope you enjoy it.


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 survival guide for special education teachers reference book

 I am a Special Education Teacher Poem, Teacher Gift Ladies T-Shirt

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