Monday, December 24, 2012

Great Board Games for Teens

Just a quick post today before we head to Christmas Eve service and have a fun family evening of dinner, games, cards, and whatever else we find! Please remember to include games in your classrooms as well.  They teach many concepts and skills including reading directions, math skills, communication, social skills, and more! Perhaps after the first of the year, you will create a games learning center to go along with your math and language centers? 

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We have been enjoying playing games with family.  A couple are homemade and a couple are vintage.  The first game is Tripoly.  The object of this best selling game is to collect chips (we used pennies!) through a series of Michigan Rummy, Hearts and Poker.  When I was growing up, all the neighbor kids would play this game all winter long.  Of course, it seems we had a lot more snow back then and even more snow days - hmm, perhaps we walked a mile to school (one way) without coats and gloves, too! (wink, wink) We all had containers of pennies and would promptly count them at the end of each night to see who was the big "winner."  It was so much fun!

 tripoley game cards betting

Now, the kids play electronic games, such as Wii Worldwide, to compete against each other. While we enjoy the old boards games and even a single deck of cards, we also embrace the new.  I have to admit, I have really enjoyed playing against my niece as she plays from her home and us from ours.
(Update: Wii Worldwide is no longer available = sad.) Although, the game is still available!

Mario Kart Wii

 Mario Kart Wii game for kids and adults

Here are the homemade games (thanks to my parents!):

autism social skills special education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

autism social skills special education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

autism social skills special education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

Okay, so Yahtzee snuck in there, and it isn't homemade! But it is still great fun and excellent for math skills!

 classic yahtzee game for kids and adults family

Another fun game is called Khet.  This would be a great one for your classroom as well since it involves lasers and higher order thinking.

Here is the description:
Unleash the Pharaoh's wrath. The completely redesigned Khet 2.0 Laser Game uses Egyptian mirrors and modern, eye-safe lasers to illuminate opponents and win the game. Combines simplicity of checkers and the strategy of chess. Mensa National Competition Winner. Batteries included. A fantastic game for every generation. 2 players adult For ages 9-adult.

autism social skills special education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

And who remembers the game called, "Rebound?"  I plan to dig this one out tonight. It is a great game for your classroom math center!  I couldn't the exact one online, but this one looks the same:

 rebound vintage game bumpershot

 Merry Christmas!
....Now, go dig out some games to play!
What are your favorites?


You may prefer some printable Christmas activities from our TpT store:

 Christmas gift ideas winter project gifts in a jar cookies

 no prep Christmas worksheets

 Christmas crossword puzzle for kids

 Christmas craftivity crafts for kids


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