Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Learning By Doing Christmas Story Video for Kids and Adults

Merry Christmas to All!!

My mom shared this precious video with me, and I knew all the parents and teachers out there would find it adorable!

Christmas Jesus Saves Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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As I viewed this video, I had thoughts of how we all learn. I remembered the old saying:
Tell me, I will forget. Show me, I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand. ~Chinese Proverb

Or a different version:
I read – I forget
I see – I remember
I do – I understand

The only way to learn to do anything:
Just Do It

This is so true in everything we do - from the classroom to our spiritual life.  For example, when we played a new game last night called Farkle. As we read the directions aloud, we were all a bit confused.  We even passed the directions so each could get a "closer" look. But guess what - the only way we figured it out was by DOING.  We started to play and frequently referenced the written directions.  Soon the game became quite clear, and we had a wonderful time.

 farkle game for kids

I know the children in this video have a better understanding of our beloved Christmas story.  They learned by doing!  This is so applicable to our adult lives when referencing our faith journey.  Many times the picture isn't clear.  We read the bible, and it can be confusing.  We want to grow deeper in our faith but may not be sure how.  We go to church...We read the bible...We seek answers...

 Just do it.

We must live out our faith - each and every day.  We must act on His words for deeper understanding.  We must reference His written directions to keep our paths straight and clear.

As we "live it out/live by doing" for Jesus, we grow in our understanding and in our relationship with the one and only son sent to be our Savior - Jesus Christ!

Please enjoy this beautiful story.

Merry Christmas and JUST DO IT.


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 birth of Jesus Christmas story flannel board for school or church


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